Current Sullivan News:

Well, we did it! We finally made the move and are back on the East Coast. We had a great time transiting the Pacific. Our stops in Hawaii and California were more than memorable. As we open a new chapter we start a new blog. Check out our new adventures at our new blog:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bath time with the Sullivan Boys

Here they are in all their glory...the Sullivan boys at bath time (don't worry, Farrell isn't in the tub). We figured you get to see a lot of our adventures but really we have lots of fun with the daily routine. Rub a dub dub!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Our Little Vacation Right at Home...Torii Beach

I gotta be honest, sometimes I have to pinch myself and ask if all of this is real. Last night we picked up Farrell from work and headed to the Army post on Island called Torii Station. On Torii Beach we found a little slice of paradise. There is a 200 ft water slide right on the beach that the entire family can enjoy, a beach side cafe complete with cocktails, live music, and a beautiful sky scape as a backdrop. Peter was so proud to go down the slide by himself and as you can see by the pictures, Danny had a pretty good time too! After the water slide the boys had fun running up and down the beach picking up and throwing rocks. We can't wait to go back-soon!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Okinawa Difference: Okinawa V. USA

This is a new portion of the Sullivan blog that attempts to bring everyone on board with the Okinawa experience and just how good life really is here. This series will be called The Okinawa Difference: Okinawa v. USA Our first part to the series addresses the difference in car names. In the states you have names like "Explorer" and "Maxima". In the States we also have a few named after Indian Tribes like "Aztec" and "Cherokee". Here, well, I don't know what inspires the names but they are darn interesting. Take a look:

No, that doesn't say ENIMA but WOW! That is really close...the Royal Lounge is a pretty sweet name for a mini van. Beats the heck out of "Gran Caravan." I think Oki gets the point on this one. Score: Okinawa-1 / USA- 0
(these aren't great pictures...I had to hurry because I thought I looked weird photographing random people's cars...)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Daniel is two and terrible! Uh...I mean terrific! If you notice the date on this blog it is actually taken and posted two days after Danny turned two. In typical two year old fashion, he was not in the mood to celebrate on Friday so we had a low key party with just the four of us today. He seemed to really like the Carvel cake (Sullivan tradition-it doesn't melt. Even in Okinawa.) and he got a big kick out of blowing out his candles.
After the party we dropped Farrell off at Naha for his trip to Hawaii. He's got a rough job, doesn't he?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Okinawa "hai"life coming soon!

I just got the hang of this blogging thing (holy cow I just sounded so old!) and I plan on giving you a slice of island life as soon as I can. Our TMO comes tomorrow and I will be able to finally post pictures of our apartment...more to follow-life is good.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Peter!

Peter had an "awesome" time at his fourth birthday party. The bash was a huge success thanks to our wonderful and generous neighbor Lori who supplied the house of bounce and splash. He had a great time playing with his friends and taking his new toys out for fun. He told me that he will never forget this one because it was "so cool." Happy birthday Pumpkin!