Current Sullivan News:

Well, we did it! We finally made the move and are back on the East Coast. We had a great time transiting the Pacific. Our stops in Hawaii and California were more than memorable. As we open a new chapter we start a new blog. Check out our new adventures at our new blog:

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wago and end the year right.

Well, as 2008 comes to a close the Sullivan family could think of no better way to celebrate than to head to Wago and the Big Ramen Joint. There you have it...bouncy houses and tons o' noodles. Hai!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pizza in the Sky, Pineapple Park and Neo Park-AGAIN!

We are really trying to give my parents a real authentic Okinawan experience. So where else to take them but to Pizza in the Sky, Pineapple Park and Neo Park! Despite the fact we were at all of those places less than four weeks ago with Sue, we donned our tourist outfits and headed out. Pizza in the Sky was great as was the Pineapple Park. I didn't realized how much birds freaked me out until we went back to the Neo Park. The bird poop was every where and in unbelievable amounts! Oh well, the kids didn't seem to is to tourism!

Christmas Part II

After Big John and Big Nance landed we celebrated Christmas again. It was perfect! Peter and Daniel really liked the fact they got to open presents on two days! We had a wonderful morning at home then spent the afternoon on the beach. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Part I

I really enjoyed Christmas this year- despite the fact we are half way around the world from family. Peter really got into the Christmas spirit (and by spirit I mean he got into getting stuff from Santa) and Daniel is not longer freaked out by the fat man in a red suit. We had a wonderful floor dinner on Christmas Eve and a quiet Christmas day spent watching Danny drive his new Hummer and Peter play with his leapster. We are so fortunate. Life is good.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saber Cat at a Christmas Fest?

This Saturday we headed out to the Camp Courtney Christmas Fest. One would imagine that Santa or the free toy give away would be the hot attraction for the kids. Nope. Not a chance. Those diversions had nothing on the GIGANTIC saber cat bouncy slide. This thing was enormous. The pictures do not do the slide justice. I seriously questioned my parenting skills after I let the kids (Daniel included) go to the top and come down by themselves when on the second turn, I went with them and about wet my pants from fear. Just goes to show you, when it comes to gigantic saber cat bouncy slides, it pays to be a young, naive toddler (and to be able to wear a diaper).

Thunder Get's a Hair Cut

Let me explain. Trust me, I resisted this one. Peter asked over and over and over if he could give Thunder a hair cut. He wanted to make him look like Spirit (as in the movie Spirit). All I could think of was the time I was grounded for cutting Cindy Vigil's Barbi Doll's hair when I was in elementary school. My gut said no...well, Peter convinced me. In the end, I am glad I caved and embraced Peter's "vision". Check out the pride on his face!

Picaso ain't got nothin' on the Sullivan Boys...

Who said I wasn't a "crafty" stay at home mom. Well, I did. I must admit, one of the hardest things to do, is getting art lessons in for the boys. Well, this is the way we do it at the Sullivan house...half naked boys rolling around in paint! Now that's crafty!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our Oura Wan Vacation Pt II

Back to the Cottages at Oura Wan Bay for some relaxation. This time the weather was much cooler and we did not swim in the Ocean (at least the adults didn’t) but we did, however, enjoy an incredible morning walking, exploring, and searching for sea glass having just as much fun. The boys had a great time as well. Danny had so much fun that when it was time to go, he just put his head in the sand….oh well!

Traditional Okinawan Village

Right next to the aquarium is a traditional Okinawan Village re-created to allow visitors a chance to look into the past. We were able to see more than a few houses…we were invited in by a couple of Okinawan ladies and were served tea and traditional Okinawan biscuits. The boys were able to play a few Japanese instruments and gain a real appreciation for the culture. A must see for anyone coming to the island.

The Churami Aquarium Part II

We have been to the aquarium before but this trip was especially exciting because of our trip to the traditional Okinawan village (see next post). As always, the exhibits were incredible and the kids were totally entranced (adults too). Can’t wait until next time.

Pizza in the Sky with Diamonds...

Everyone says it is a must do while here on Okinawa so we gave it a shot...we went for pizza in the sky. It was tough to find but well worth the drive. The view was nothing short of amazing. The pizza wasn't bad either. I call it "Jitalian". No, it isn't NY style but it is pretty good. They only make one kind a day so you better be adventurous. Peter stuck to his lunchable but Danny have three pieces!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

More Culture Please

After Okinawa World we headed to Shuri Castle-check out the wiki site:
We were able to see the entire castle from the grounds to the throne of the kings past. We were also able to see more Japanese Dancing. My only heartburn came from trying to keep Danny away from the breakables.

Arigato Gozimus indeed!

Eisa Dancers

Attached is a video of the Eisa (pronounced A-sa) dance performance we were so fortunate to see. Enjoy!

A Little Culture Please...

The Sullivans, Rohrs, and Kolich's headed out for a little Japanese Culture and we sure found some. We visited a place called "Okinawa World" where you really do get a taste of Okinawa. We toured the underground caves, watched as Okinawans hand crafted glass, brown sugar, and linens, and we watched Eisa Dancers. We also got a chance to see a sea snake race a mongoose (mongoose won). The park was amazing and the kids and adults alike got a greater appreciation for Okinawa.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Decorating the tree and Polar Express

I just can’t think of a better way to spend the day after Christmas than to do nothing except watch Christmas movies and decorate the tree. I gotta be honest though...Farrell and Sue did most of the work, Peter watched the most movies, and Danny did most of the destruction (must have pulled out the dyson ten times to clean up broken ornaments). We can’t wait for Christmas!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks

Although thousands of miles away from most of our family, Thanksgiving this year still felt like we were right at home. It helped to have Sue here and of course our new extended family, the 9th floor. We had a great day. The kids watched Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving (and Wall-E) and the adults did what we do best, drink and cook. The men fried the turkey and the women did crafts (with cocktails) and cooked (with cocktails). We had diner together in the hallway on beautiful tables. As always, the company was even better. We even had a few snoozers after so much turkey! So much to be for which to be thankful!