Current Sullivan News:

Well, we did it! We finally made the move and are back on the East Coast. We had a great time transiting the Pacific. Our stops in Hawaii and California were more than memorable. As we open a new chapter we start a new blog. Check out our new adventures at our new blog:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kickin' Kick Ball with NIOSC

NIOSC (north island officers' spouses club) had a kick ball game between the Courtney Chicks and McT Babes. What a great time! We had an awesome team. We need to work on our kicking and our defense but other than that, we have lots of talent! 9th Floor RULES! Despite outnumbering the other team by 8 players we still lost. But hey-we looked hot and I don't mean because of the scorching Okinawa sun. Check out those socks! Smokin'!

Peter, Danny, and their Girls

Peter and Danny have made all sorts of friends but some of Peter's favorite friends are his "girlfriends" down stairs. They have a great time together coloring, playing house, watching movies, and playing "tag I got you now you are in jail" on the play ground. So cute!

The Okinawa Difference: Okinawa v. USA


This is Part II of the series of entries called the Okinawa Difference. Let's talk Karaoke. Let's talk about Farrell and Karaoke. He is not a Karaoke type man. Despite the fact that the entire Sullivan Sibling Group to include their wives will get on stage and sing a song, Farrell just isn't having it...until now. The difference is Okinawa. In Okinawa, you get your own room. It is just you, your buds, your cocktails, and the mic. Farrell felt right at home. The karaoke joint was called the "Big Echo". After seeing (and hearing) Farrell on the mic (we couldn't rip it from his hands!) we re-named the place the "Big Farrell". Take a look and see (please excuse the poor video and sound quality) any place that can get my husband on the mic gets my vote. Score: Okinawa 2/USA 0 Now, let's go sing!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good Night, Daddy, Good Night...

"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." ~Clarence Budington Kelland

I remember very vividly the moment I fell in love with Farrell. I am so grateful that day after day my life is filled with such moments again and again. I am also grateful for the father he is to our boys. One day they too will become loving and loyal husbands and fathers. What a wonderful life...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Farrell!

The 9th floor gave Farrell a surprise party on his birthday and "wii" all had a great time. Besides Farrell getting a Wii (yes, I caved into the pressure) and his favorite birthday cake (peanut butter ice cream cake) everyone helped decorate the apartment with posters, confetti, and balloons. All of the kids were on hand to sing "Happy Birthday" and help him blow out his candles. It took a few hours for Farrell to change out of his cammies and stop playing Wii but he finally did and he and I went out for an awesome dinner at Sam's by the Sea. What a great day for his 37th birthday! Happy Birthday, Fa!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our "Oura Wan" Vacation

I finally got to see where Farrell has spent 1 1/2 years of his adult life-Camp Schwab, Okinawa. At Camp Schwab we stayed in the cottages at Oura Wan Bay. We went with our neighbors, the Holts, and had a ton of fun. The kids played and the adults had a cocktail or two and told stories. The next day we spent the afternoon on the beach (which we had to ourselves) swimming, flying kites and exploring. We will certainly be back-another great Okinawa getaway so close to home.

Trip to the Churaumi Aquarium

This was our second trip the Aquarium and it keeps getting better! The 9th Floor (-) went to the Aquarium to fish gaze. The kids had a great time not only seeing whale sharks and the same fish from Horseshoe Beach but also had fun on the huge park made from netting. We also got to see the dolphins and sea turtles. Sweet!

Cape Manzamo "Horseshoe Beach"

Horseshoe Beach is the hot snorkel spot for the "9th Floor". (the 9th Floor is our family and neighbors who have become close friends-we all live on the 9th floor of our tower) The snorkeling is nothing short of amazing. Peter loves to snorkel (as do Farrell and I) and here at Horseshoe, the live coral provides awesome views of starfish (look at the big fat one!), sea urchins, damsels, angel fish, clown fish, Moorish idol, lion fish, puffer fish, dominoes, and sergeants major. The beach also provided the opportunity for the boys to fly their first kite (a Nemo kite-how fitting!) and for some cave exploring. A great way to start the holiday weekend!