Current Sullivan News:

Well, we did it! We finally made the move and are back on the East Coast. We had a great time transiting the Pacific. Our stops in Hawaii and California were more than memorable. As we open a new chapter we start a new blog. Check out our new adventures at our new blog:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cape Manzamo "Horseshoe Beach"

Horseshoe Beach is the hot snorkel spot for the "9th Floor". (the 9th Floor is our family and neighbors who have become close friends-we all live on the 9th floor of our tower) The snorkeling is nothing short of amazing. Peter loves to snorkel (as do Farrell and I) and here at Horseshoe, the live coral provides awesome views of starfish (look at the big fat one!), sea urchins, damsels, angel fish, clown fish, Moorish idol, lion fish, puffer fish, dominoes, and sergeants major. The beach also provided the opportunity for the boys to fly their first kite (a Nemo kite-how fitting!) and for some cave exploring. A great way to start the holiday weekend!