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Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Okinawa Difference: Okinawa v. USA

Let's talk grocery stores. Sure, in the States you have variety, from organic and gourmet stores like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's to the Piggley Wiggley in J'Vegas, NC but where in the States can you find a store with a pink elephant that will befriend your children and ride along side them in a tea cup? I can't think of one. Here in Okinawa you need to look no further than your local Max Valu (yes, Valu not Value-good engrish I suppose). There not only will you find the pink elephant but you will find delicious Japanese food and a 100 yen section of the store. 100 yen (roughly equal to 1 dollar) will buy you all sorts of stuff you don't need. So, instead of going to super Wal-Mart or Target to buy groceries and stuff I don't need and fruitlessly search for a pink elephant, I can go down to Max Valu and get the whole enchilada for a few hundred yen.
Point to Okinawa.

Score: Okinawa-3 / USA-0

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