Current Sullivan News:

Well, we did it! We finally made the move and are back on the East Coast. We had a great time transiting the Pacific. Our stops in Hawaii and California were more than memorable. As we open a new chapter we start a new blog. Check out our new adventures at our new blog:

Friday, November 28, 2008

Decorating the tree and Polar Express

I just can’t think of a better way to spend the day after Christmas than to do nothing except watch Christmas movies and decorate the tree. I gotta be honest though...Farrell and Sue did most of the work, Peter watched the most movies, and Danny did most of the destruction (must have pulled out the dyson ten times to clean up broken ornaments). We can’t wait for Christmas!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks

Although thousands of miles away from most of our family, Thanksgiving this year still felt like we were right at home. It helped to have Sue here and of course our new extended family, the 9th floor. We had a great day. The kids watched Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving (and Wall-E) and the adults did what we do best, drink and cook. The men fried the turkey and the women did crafts (with cocktails) and cooked (with cocktails). We had diner together in the hallway on beautiful tables. As always, the company was even better. We even had a few snoozers after so much turkey! So much to be for which to be thankful!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Okuma Part II

The sunsets at Okuma were my favorite part. I can't wait to take Farrell!

Okuma Part I

Wow! We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful vacation spot just an hour and a half away. Although the drive time was short, once we were at Okuma we felt as if we had traveled to an entirely different island. We stayed on the Okuma Beach Peninsula and were able to enjoy beach on all sides! The beach picture above was right outside our suite which made it easy for Sue and I to enjoy our morning coffee while watching the boys play in the sand. The picture of Sue and Danny was taken during our glass bottom boat tour which took us from reef to reef visiting the many fish below the bright blue waters. The picture up top is of Peter after he got his "hole in one!" on the mini golf course-no kidding! There was so much to do. Even in November we were on the beach in our swimsuits enjoying the East China Sea.

Southeast Botanical Gardens

Sue and I have been able to do some adult sightseeing as well as park, soo, and beach hop with the are a couple of pictures from the botanical gardens she and I visited near by. Beautiful!

Nagagusuku Castle Ruins

Sue Sue is here! We have been busy taking in the sites and having fun with the boys (while Farrell has been in Thailand and Hawaii). We were on our way to the park were diverted by a running race and landed at a castle ruin! Only in Okinawa!

Fightin' the Waves Dude

This one goes out to Uncle Brendan...this little guy has some serious surfing potential! The water was cold and the waves rough but Peter took 'em on! These pictures were taken at Courtney Beach-in NOVEMBER. Have I ever said, "Life is Good?"

Heading out in the Rain

This is a picture only a mother could love...without I wanted to give Danny a chance to write a little something to defend himself. He chose to write to his predestined soul mate, Claire Fisher.
Dear Claire,
First, please don't think less of me-my crazy mother bought this jacket. Second, I really don't have a bowl cut. Finally, I know I look a little silly but please see through to the adventurous spirit inside that is willing to venture out into the world no matter how threatening! XOXO
Love, Daniel.

More fun in the Bath Tub

Sullivan boys sure do have fun in the bath is a shot of Danny having on heck of a time!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Marine Corps Birthday Ball, Okinawa Style!

It's true the Marine Corps Birthday is just about the same any where in the world you celebrate-completely awesome and always a good time. This year was no different of course! We hit the scene with our 9th Floor neighbors and literally danced the night away with the III MEF Rock band. The night was complete with birthday cake, cocktails, great company and the classic up close self portraits!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween Party

I will say this: The ninth floor knows how to party (seventh floor included of course.) The floor put together a haunted house (see Farrell's picture up top) and had fun scaring little munchkins on Halloween night. We then turned the haunted house into party central for an adult costume party on Saturday. The party came complete with a coffin cooler with kegs, boo punch with lots of rum, hundreds of jello shots, and of course a karaoke corner (see the couch and TV?). We even had a spooky spider cake! We didn't get to carve pumpkins this year but I can't say we missed out on any fun!

Trick or Treat! Gimme some good stuff!

Well, I will say this...the kids were darn cute in their tiger and monkey costume but man, they were hot! That is why you see the half monkey/half boy walking around looking for treats. We had a great time regardless. The boys really enjoyed dressing up and asking for handouts. I personally, especially liked the handouts! Trick or TREAT!