Current Sullivan News:

Well, we did it! We finally made the move and are back on the East Coast. We had a great time transiting the Pacific. Our stops in Hawaii and California were more than memorable. As we open a new chapter we start a new blog. Check out our new adventures at our new blog:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Okuma Part I

Wow! We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful vacation spot just an hour and a half away. Although the drive time was short, once we were at Okuma we felt as if we had traveled to an entirely different island. We stayed on the Okuma Beach Peninsula and were able to enjoy beach on all sides! The beach picture above was right outside our suite which made it easy for Sue and I to enjoy our morning coffee while watching the boys play in the sand. The picture of Sue and Danny was taken during our glass bottom boat tour which took us from reef to reef visiting the many fish below the bright blue waters. The picture up top is of Peter after he got his "hole in one!" on the mini golf course-no kidding! There was so much to do. Even in November we were on the beach in our swimsuits enjoying the East China Sea.

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