Current Sullivan News:

Well, we did it! We finally made the move and are back on the East Coast. We had a great time transiting the Pacific. Our stops in Hawaii and California were more than memorable. As we open a new chapter we start a new blog. Check out our new adventures at our new blog:

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Round I Part II (with Farrell)

Parents have fun too! They even get stuck. Take a look at the old man chasing after his kids and getting stuck in the net! And this guy is going to lead a battalion of Marines! Follow Me!
Well, there was some devil pup training going on. Farrell took the boys to the mats and showed them some of his moves…or did they show him their moves… who could tell?! They had a great time and we will never forget our Round I experience (where else can a pregnant lady go, let her boys run loose while sitting in a massage chair?!)

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